Tuesday, January 17, 2012

4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula

Single Items (60 Capsules per Bottle)
4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula
Retail Price: RM202.80
Our Price: RM180.00
ITEM No: 130024070

Bulk Items (12 Bottles, for 11 Bottles Price Only!!!)
4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula
Retail Price: RM 2,028.00
Our Price: RM1,800.00
ITEM No: 130024071

Daily Wellness Support

4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formulaoffers a revolutionary approach for wellness. It provides intelligence and intuition, according to what your body needs. It brings together exclusive extracts from bovine colostrum and chicken egg yolks to help support the body.

Primary Benefit

•Promotes general wellness by supporting your body’s needs

What makes this product unique?

•Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer Mother Nature’s natural response information from one entity to another, such as between a mother and her breastfeeding infant.

Complementary Products

4Life Transfer Factor RioVida™ 4Life TF Plus Advanced™


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