Saturday, January 14, 2012

Transfer Factor RenewAll™

Single Items (2oz [56.7g] per Tube)
4Life Transfer Factor Renewal ™
Retail Price: RM90.00
Our Price: RM83.00

ITEM No: 130025001

Bulk Items (12 Tubes, for 10 Tubes Price Only!!!)
4Life Transfer Factor Renewal ™
Retail Price: RM900.00
Our Price: RM830

ITEM No: 130025002

4Life Transfer Factor RenewAll TM blends powerful ingredients in an
easy-to-apply gel that supports the skin. Transfer Factor XF™, 4Life's
original Transfer Factor extract, provides support for skin that’s
beautiful and strong.

Primary Benefit

• Promotes general wellness by supporting the needs of the skin

What makes this product unique?

Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer natural
response information from one entity to another.

Complementary Product

4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula


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